Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Little of Me............

In the past two days my eyes have opened to see that I need to fill some holes in my on soul. I grow everyday as well as learn new things and how to better old things. I supported my love to see her family that she has not seen in at least 10 years. Their are negative reasons for the length of time that was missed between her and her family, but they were filled with open arms. I guess with time like that if they are true family love will conquer all.
I have never met my immediate family. I was taken/given away when I was 2 months old. Everyday I think about them, rather negative or positive. My family that I have known my entire life, I am blessed to have them all. They have given me the world and the tools to conquer the world (smile). I am grateful for God's blessings and sending me a kind, God-loving family. I would never deni them or trade them for the world.
I have my own questions for my biological family, and after this weekend I see somethings can move on. I know people will talk and everyone has their own opinions. But respect, love and God can still hold things together. It has been 25 years, so why can't I continue to grow, learn, and forgive and understand true life.

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