Saturday, July 24, 2010

A Little of Me............

In the past two days my eyes have opened to see that I need to fill some holes in my on soul. I grow everyday as well as learn new things and how to better old things. I supported my love to see her family that she has not seen in at least 10 years. Their are negative reasons for the length of time that was missed between her and her family, but they were filled with open arms. I guess with time like that if they are true family love will conquer all.
I have never met my immediate family. I was taken/given away when I was 2 months old. Everyday I think about them, rather negative or positive. My family that I have known my entire life, I am blessed to have them all. They have given me the world and the tools to conquer the world (smile). I am grateful for God's blessings and sending me a kind, God-loving family. I would never deni them or trade them for the world.
I have my own questions for my biological family, and after this weekend I see somethings can move on. I know people will talk and everyone has their own opinions. But respect, love and God can still hold things together. It has been 25 years, so why can't I continue to grow, learn, and forgive and understand true life.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Butterfly fly so high and beyond. Over mountains through trees, passing sweet flowers and some thorns. The path travel is unexplored, little butterfly's unalarmed about any harm. With grace and faith butterfly has conquered all trials and traps. Butterfly has learned to live, love laugh through this journey she'll unwrap. Butterfly never wonders if the end is near, because the higher the flight will lead to a everlasting reward and no fear.

Home Sweet Home

Stary skies, clear midnight peace. Calm waters with flowing streams running deep through tunnels of never ending bliss. I walk and think these feelings, are real..... The back of my mind says you've been here before; but I can barely here the vocie covered by unspeakable thoughts. The new soul within says relax and enjoy. You are back home where you belong. You've been gone so long this is unreal to you, but open your heart to see the true you.

Varsity (Part 1)

I am glowing; my heart is racing, but my eye are smiling the same as my heart. It's game time, my star player is here. The game is on.......

I hold on tight cause, I'm ready to ride. Emotions are flowing from parts unnamed. OH SHIT!!! MVP has gone for the goal. I wrap my reins around the neck of the pole and never let go. MVP says we are going to places untold (wink).

Friday, July 16, 2010

Emotions through 25 .......

Happy, Sad, Angry, Maad, Glad Excited; yeah these are emotions. When I was a teenager, I went through all these emotions within 2 minutes or less. But, NOW at 25 years old I can describe one emotion from the next. Sometimes I think I am going through life so fast I have to be missing something. I promise it was only yesterday I was asking Granny can I lick the cupcake pan. (Ha! Maybe it was the BIG KID at heart).Reality sets in everyday I go to work, and help assist with other families problems. I just stop and say Thank You God for keeping your arms around me. Without the blessings that have been bestowed upon me unknown dreams could only image where I would be. I pray each day a prayer of Thanksgiving for self, family, friends, and all of God's creations. Blessings happen every day, but your mental level in life can only determine if a blessing has happened to you. If you missed that blessing you shall receive another, but open your heart instead of your eyes and allow it to flow like crystal clear waters cleaning everything untold.